Pyle Wealth Advisory
Even though medical professionals have been incorporated for a number of years we find that many still do not know that they can create their own defined benefit pension plans now – something they couldn’t do before. Essentially an Individual Pension Plan (IPP) works like any other defined benefit plan in that the corporation provides the funding necessary to generate a specific income flow at retirement.
At Pyle Wealth Advisory we will generate a concept showing a comparison between continued RRSP funding and an IPP and discuss those results with the medical professional and the accountant to ensure the strategy makes sense. Benefits of an IPP include:
Since investment management fees are not deductible for RRSPs, but allowed for an IPP, this also improves tax efficiency in fee-based accounts for the professional. Assets in an IPP are also creditor proof, where they are not always in an RRSP.
Pension regulations require an IPP to show average annual returns of at least 7.5%. Any shortfall, however, will be made up by additional tax-deductible contributions by the corporation. Since many professionals will typically have conservative investment strategies, this makes it more likely that the corporation will have an increased opportunity to put even more capital into the IPP where it will claim a deduction and not be taxed on income from that capital.